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He has been a Board member of RECOUP since 1999 and believes that the success of plastic recycling in UK can only come about through cooperation and dialogue between all parties in the packaging chain RECOUP's membership structure creating the ideal forum for this to take place. Reply SHELLY October 5, 2019 at 1:23 amInterestingReplyLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Jim is a member of the Management Committee of PRE (Plastic Recyclers Europe ), a committee member of the BPF Recycling Group and in the past also held the position of President of the French Recyclers for a number of years. Shaun Sargent CEO & Benevolent Dictator, Aura Soma Products Limited Global sustainability is a key personal strategic aim, and something I strive to achieve in my own daily life, as far as is possible. Education is key, so people can make their own informed choices, and at Aura – Soma, we seek to offer people unbiased information to assist in this. hpi rc cars